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Maîtresse de conférences
Domaines de spécialité : Postcolonial theory, world-literature, urban studies, South Asia
Based on a historical-materialist approach of texts, my research focuses on the literary representations of postcolonial urban spaces. My PhD thesis looked at the ways in which Indian fiction and nonfiction in English grasp the rapid yet uneven development of Indian cities in the wake of India’s embrace of global capitalism in the 1990s, focusing on works written by Arundhati Roy, Rana Dasgupta, Raj Kamal Jha, Amit Chaudhuri, among others.
I am also interested in literary nonfiction and its use of participant methods to represent marginalised city-dwellers. In my new research project, which is based on urban political ecology, I intend to analyse the ways in which realist and irrealist literary forms encode the political uses of the environment in cities of the global South on various scales, from garden cities to gated communities.
Journal Issues
- “Transmission(s)”, eds. Marianne Hillion and Sandrine Soukai, Commonwealth Essays and Studies (forthcoming 2024).
- “Anti-Monarchism in the British Isles and beyond”, eds. Pauline Collombier, Tim Heron, Marianne Hillion and Caroline Lehni, RANAM, 58 (forthcoming 2024).
- « Les études littéraires face aux cultural studies: du projet matérialiste à la pratique critique », eds. Gabrielle Adjerad, Anaïs Goudmand, Marianne Hillion and Marion Leclair, COnTEXTES. Revue de sociologie de la littérature (forthcoming 2024).
Blind peer-reviewed journal articles
- “A Street-Level View of a Fragmented World-City: London in John Lanchester’s Capital (2012)”, Études Britanniques Contemporaines, 64, 2023, online:
- “The Enigma of Return: Diasporic Epic Narratives of the Indian City”, DESI La Revue. Diasporas: Études des singularités indiennes, 4, 2020, pp. 81-98.
- “Re-imagining Delhi as an Ordinary City: Siddharth Chowdhury’s Quiet Revolution”, Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 42.1, 2019, online:
Book chapters
- “A Dystopian New City: Raj Kamal Jha’s Writing of Infrastructural Violence in Delhi and Gurgaon”, in Reconfiguring, Repurposing the City: Urban Ecotones in the Global South, eds Markus Arnold, Judith Misrahi-Barak and Thomas Lacroix, Brill (forthcoming 2024).
- “‘A mesh of lanes and voices’, Kolkata’s Para as a Transitional Zone in Contemporary Indian Anglophone Literature”, in Borders and Ecotones in the Indian Ocean: Cultural and Literary Perspectives, eds. Markus Arnold, Corinne Duboin and Judith Misrahi-Barak, série PoCoPages, Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2020, pp. 187-204.
- Articles « Return Narratives » and « Kiran Nagarkar » in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des Littératures de l’Inde, edited by Anne Castaing, Claudine Le Blanc, Nicolas Dejenne, Paris, Classiques Garnier (forthcoming)
Book Reviews
Bhavya Tiwani, Beyond English, World Literature and India, Londres, Bloomsbury, 2021, in Commonwealth Essays and Studies (forthcoming 2023)
Rashmi Sadana, The Moving City: Scenes from the Delhi Metro and the Social Life of Infrastructure, Oakland, University of California Press, 2021, in La Vie des Idées, online:
18+ papers given in conferences, symposia and seminars since 2017.
Organisation of academic events
2024. Symposium « Urban Transformations and Marginalisation in Contemporary India: Social Practices and Cultural Representations », co-organised with Arnaud Kaba, 15/02/2024, University of Strasbourg.
2023. SEARCH Conference: “Borders in the English-Speaking World: Mapping and Countermapping”, 9-10/10/2023, University of Strasbourg.
2021. SLAC Symposium : « Les cultural studies sont-elles une méthode ? Héritages anglo-saxons et évolutions théoriques », 09/04/2021, ENS Ulm, Paris.
2017. OVALE doctoral research team symposium, “Le vulgaire dans la littérature et les arts visuels du monde anglophones”, 02/06/2017, Sorbonne Université, Paris.
- Member of SAES, SEPC, and PSA
- SEPC Treasurer
- Co-convenor of the Seminar of materialist literary studies (SLAC -Séminaire Littéraire des Armes de la Critique)
Teaching Experience
Since 2022 – Senior Lecturer in Postcolonial Culture and History, Department of English, Université de Strasbourg
2019-2022 – Teaching assistant (ATER), Department of French and Comparative Literature, Department of English Studies, Sorbonne Université
2016-2019 – Doctoral candidate with a teaching contract, Department of English Studies, Sorbonne Université (LLCE)
2014-2015 – French lectrice, Magdalen College, Keble College, University of Oxford.
2021 – PhD in English and Comparative Literature. Joint Sponsorship Sorbonne Université and Univeristy of Warwick (supervisors: Alexis Tadié and Upamanyu Pablo Mukherjee). Thesis title: Between the Epic and the Ordinary : Locating the Politics of Indian Urban Writing in English (Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata)
2016 – Teaching qualification, English (Agrégation externe d’anglais)
2014 – MA, English (Master en Études Anglophones), Sorbonne Université
2014 – MA, Public Affairs, Sciences Po Paris
2011 – Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm)