L'ouvrage de notre collègue Christophe Lebold, Leonard Cohen: The Man Who Saw the Angels Fall, a remporté le National Jewish Books Award 2024 dans la catégorie "Biography".
Nos très chaleureuses félicitations à Christophe pour cette magnifique récompense!
Inaugurated in 1950, the National Jewish Book Awards is the longest-running North American awards program of its kind and is recognized as the most prestigious. The Awards are intended to recognize authors, and encourage reading, of outstanding English-language books of Jewish interest.
Awards are presented in over eighteen categories, and the winning authors are celebrated at an annual gala in the year following the publication of the books under consideration. Past notable winners include Chaim Grade, Deborah Lipstadt, Bernard Malamud, Michael Oren, Chaim Potok, Philip Roth, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Elie Wiesel, Jonathan Safran Foer, Deborah Dash Moore, and Sandy Eisenberg Sasso.